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About The Author
Raised in northwest Georgia, R. Olin Jackson attended the schools of Polk County and the University of Georgia in Athens before volunteering for service in the United States Army in 1971. There, he was trained as a military policeman and ultimately assigned to the security detail for the Army Commander of NATO, Gen. Michael S. Davison, in Heidelberg, Germany.
His Army career responsibilities required him to travel throughout Europe, and while there, Olin often studied the endless aspects of European history. With his military obligation completed in 1974, he returned stateside where he completed an undergraduate degree in journalism in 1977, and then earned a master’s degree in political science history.
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Award-Winning Books On Georgia History
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Award Winner!

Mystery & History in Georgia
Readers of mystery stories and those who enjoy captivating historic incidents and accounts of unusual events will revel in this potpourri of articles associated with the state of Georgia. The information in the stories of this book have been drawn from historic news accounts, early American newspapers, folklore, academic papers, official Georgia state archives, early U.S. Census records, and much more by the author, and are all factually accurate as far as can possibly be determined. read more
Mystery & History in Georgia
Georgia history enthusiasts and researchers alike will be captivated with the colorful topics and attention to detail of the many subjects in Mystery & History in Georgia, Volume II. Designed as a companion to the award-winning Mystery & History in Georgia, Volume I, author R. Olin Jackson picks up where he left off in his initial volume. read more

John Henry Doc Holliday
For the dentist turned gunman from Georgia, from 1864 until his final days in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, in 1887, life was a struggle for survival. If his family wasn’t fleeing the abject destruction being wrought by Gen. William T. Sherman in Georgia during the dying days of the old Confederacy, John Henry himself, beginning in the early 1870s, was locked in a desperate struggle with the dreaded disease tuberculosis for which there was no cure. read more
Memories of Army Life and MPs of the 529th
It isn’t often that one is able to maintain that his or her military unit was the top-dog in the entire United States Army, but that’s the remarkable truth regarding the 529th Military Police Company in 1974 – and euphemistically for the decade of the 1970s. read more

Some Genealogy Keys To Some Georgia Family Trees
Those relatives, descendants, and researchers interested in the Jackson, Fricks, Neel, Anderson, Hudgins, Tanner, Jordan, Gravatt, Pettyjohn and Rogers family lines will find the material within the pages of this book indispensable – both for permanent family records and a variety of research purposes. read more
Gunmen, Lawmen and Wild Men of Early Georgia.
In the pioneer days of what today is the state of Georgia, intrepid explorers, desperadoes, and opportunists of all types and description emigrated to the state, many of them ultimately continuing westward in search of a new life. read more

Readers' Raves
Take a look at what the readers and reviewers of the books by Whippoorwill Publications are saying. . . .
“In Mystery & History in Georgia, Volume I, Olin Jackson offers a massive compilation – the result of exhaustive research on the history of the state – some of which will certainly have been heard, and other information of which I dare say no one outside the immediate area would have heard.”
“I half expected Mystery & History in Georgia, Volume I to be a stodgy narrative with maybe a few good photographs, but was absolutely blown away by the almost conversational nature of the backstory and narrative and, my word, the photographs are incredible! The work is comprehensive and there is definitely something for everybody.”
“Loved Mystery & History in Georgia, Volume I. So many interesting stories about Georgia of which I would never have otherwise known.”
“Mystery & History in Georgia, Volume I is a ‘must-have’ for any history enthusiast. It’s chock-full of interesting stories on the people and places of Georgia, including Civil War battles, railroads, family history and folklore. It is meticulously indexed on a county-by-county basis and also includes a Name Index so that one may easily find stories or people of specific interest. It would be a valued addition to any research library.”
“I am really enjoying Mr. Jackson’s book (Memories of Army Life and MPs of the 529th) about the USAREUR HQ Honor Guard Unit in Heidelberg, (529th M.P. Co). I served in that unit back in the 1970s. . . . The details of the bombing at Campbell Barracks in ’72 are bone chilling. I was there for 18 months with guys who witnessed it and never heard much of the story. It’s a great book about a great bunch of soldiers that I can pass down to my kids when I fall in for that final formation in the sky.”
“I started reading Memories of Army Life and MPs of the 529th and it was hard to put down. It brought back lots of stored memories from my time with the 529th, 1973-1976.”